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Social Studies 10 Lessons
Gen L
Lesson 6: PM Pearson (1963-1968)
The 60's (The Years of Culture)
US influence grew as the number of TV's grew & pop culture spilled over into Canada.
Ideas like "youth culture" & "civil rights" had wide appeal.
Canada was infatuated with Kennedy's America.
Pearson traveled to the US to meet with Kennedy to repair strained relations.
Canada & the Vietnam War
The improved relations didn't last, as Kennedy was assasinated & replaced by Lyndon B. Johnson.
Under Johnson, America's war in Vietnam was growing, and Canadians were becoming more critical of the US.
Canada v. America's Pressure
1965: The US was pressuring Canada to join the Vietnam War, but Pearson did not support the War.
April, 1965: Pearson gives a speech at Temple University and spoke of the need for a negotiated settlement.
Pres. Johnson, in a meeting the next day, grabbed Pearson by the lapels, and yelled, "You pissed on my rug!"
It's fair to say that this was a low point in US-Can Relations
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